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Area Amateur

Radio Nets



17:00 - TAC 310 DMR talkgroup 

19:00 - 146.910 - & 147.03 -  both Minus Offsets   Willmar EAR W0SW Kandiyohi Co

19:30 - 147.300 PL 146.2 Meeker Co ARC - Litchfield, MN

19:30 - Iowa DMR Net - Talkgroup 3119 

20:30 - SPARC Digital Net on Fusion Digital DN in the DARC Room 28439

20:45 - 443.200+ cc3 Central MN DMR Net Talkgroup 31271

21:00 - MN HamShack Hotline Bridge # 395



19:30 - Fusion Digital Net on St Cloud 145.190 - DN Fusion Digital DN in MNWIS Room 21493







19:00 - Minnesota Statewide DMR Net - Talkgroup 3127 MN DMR Repeaters


19:30 - 147.375 + PL 146.2 Crow River ARC, Hutchinson, MN







08:00 - Coffee Round Table with KB0NMN on AllStarLink Repeaters

             Paynesville 145.27- D172, 224.8+, St.Cloud 443.85+D172, Litchfield 444.350+ D172

19:30 - DARC FM Net on the Paynesville 224.800 - FM Repeater

20:06 - DARC Digital Net on Fusion Digital DN  DARC Room 28439 - 444.625+ DCS 172 Paynesville

21:00 - North Star Net DMR TG 31273



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